Friday, December 19, 2008

E-mails at 1.10am on a Saturday Morning

OK, so 1.10am. On a Saturday Morning. Atleast in the country I am in right now. I'm not even out in town. Nooope. I'm at home.

Checking and replying to e-mails. Between 7.30pm and midnight, you won't believe how many people send e-mails!
Crazy thing is I end up checking about 5 different e-mail accounts every spare minute I have in a day, and although you'd think you would get a couple of e-mails a day, even with so many accounts, but nooooo.
E-mails about interviews, meetings, scheduled dates, events, opportunities, coaching, articles, sales....

Such an exciting night though. One of my best friends - Reuben got back from India last night (the guy in the middle of the photo) - he got a scholarship to go to a college there. So our little group - all us Athena Montessori Kids had dinner (the picture blow was taken a couple of years ago when we got together for a home ec exam assessment for our wonderful friend Meggzzzz). We have the most ridiculous conversations, usually about of course, our past at school. It's amazing we haven't run out of memories and news. I bet we'll still be chatting away like this when we're like....50! So cute - everyone's got jobs, and going away flatting, and enrolling at Uni. It's like we're all 13 again, but with more grown up agendas....

We love it.

Night night darlings. Think I'll be off to bed early tonight.
Workshop and more speech practicing tomorrow for the Brisbane Trip.

Au Revoir,



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