Saturday, January 31, 2009

Global Awareness Campaign - Join It!

Well, the lesson learned today is that you never know what's in store for ya!
Even more so, you never know when you'll become the next spokesperson for a worthy and noble campaign!

Today started out as just another extraordinary day...I got up, and started my day with something completely different to how I started the day yesterday. For example, yesterday I woke up, and spent about half an hour updating a scrapbook I started sometime last year, but never get time to get up-to-date. Today I opted for extra exercise. Very different.

So I'm sitting, checking e-mails, doing some mail outs, rocking out to some Mozart, and by some crazy chance by the time it's 8pm, I end up being the 'face' for the Global Awareness Campaign mail out of the day.

Check this

Funny isn't it - the power of the internet. People all over the world connected today to make a finished product to market and advertise a worthy cause. How awesome is that?!

It truly is an amazing campaign, I must say.
Pett Corby really deserves alot of credit.
Check out her website here to see what she's doing, and to support her cause.
It is 100% something I believe in, because her mission is based around the fact that as humans, we should have the freedom to choose when we become parents.
This means in the ideal world, there will be no reason for abortions and girls especially will be making smarter choices in terms of drug-free contraception that works!!

It is an important issue that was bound to be raised in the 21st century. I for one have grown up in a household where things such as the pill were not accepted as a smart, or safe 'option'. Watching my friends and their reactions to the pill, there has been numerous times when I truly felt grateful and happy for knowing my Mum was right once again!

Mum does know best!

Keep happy, keep safe, keep smart!

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