Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The big small world!

I swear the world is tiny when you think about it, and huge when you don't notice it!

I was at the shopping mall today, and in a matter of half a minute of going in, I lost my brother. How can that happen?!

On the other hand, I JUST got an e-mail. And this is the THIRD e-mail like this I've received since Thursday. It started off with
'Hi Eva-Maria, etc etc etc. Also by the way, I think it would be awesome if you connected with blah blah blah.'

And this blah blah blah is for the third time another person I personally know!! And this particular person he referred today lives in a different country too!!

Whatta way to start the evening eh.

Totally stoked about TV1 contacting me though because apparently they 'heard I am touring New Zealand in February-March, so they wanted to catch me on their show'.

So so exciting!!
Getting ready for the Her Business Network Speeches. Keep an eye out on my site, because we're going to be putting up a whole lot of dates of when and where I'll be!

I'm listening to a Russian song, the focus of which is brunette and blonde chicks.
Just realized.

Just the daily piece of random news for ya.


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