Monday, March 8, 2010

Lost Generation...?

The AARP (American Association of Retired People) wanted to know what young people were thinking about their future.

They ran a video competition called "U @ 50"

The second place winner was "Lost Generation"

It is brilliant in its simplicity. When it was shown to an AARP audience, they broke into spontaneous applause.

What are your thoughts...?


  1. What an inspiring video and message! I believe that this generation of teens and the ones to follow will bring needed transformation to this world. Thank you all for your dedication and brilliance. I am in awe of your conviction and I (and many others of my generation) will support you in whatever way we can...just ask!

  2. FOOD FOR THOUGHT ... for the lost generation!

    Now to make a difference in support of our youth of today.

    Up to us parents now to look for our lost generation with LOTS AND LOTS OF LOVE & LISTENING!!!

  3. Thats actually pretty cool Eva! Yeh boy lets do it! Live the dream!!
