Saturday, February 6, 2010

Professional Speakers Ignite Wellington!

With my latest appointment of youngest Chapter President in the History of NSA History (BIG news internationally, let me tell you that much!!), the Wellington Chapter of the National Speakers Association of New Zealand is finally in action!

I am very, very pleased to say that the third-time-lucky Wellington NSANZ Chapter has officially started up with a bang on the last Thursday of January! And this time, I am sure it will stay this way!

I must say, this time, I truly understood the power of networking - it truly brought us all together, and we had so many different ages and people working on inviting people to the night, and let me tell you – the power of networking is the same, whether you’re 19 or 99! We had a successful amount of over 60 people come along to enjoy our very first evening of 2010!

MC-ed by well-known Toastmaster Dave Stonyer, opening the night was Mark Blumsky. Being heavily involved with the business community, he genuinely acknowledged the starting of this chapter, and shared some insights into the necessity and value of professional speaking from his experiences of being Mayor of Wellington – how this was a key skill to getting things done, and the huge difference between reading a speech (especially one written for you), and telling a speech (straight from the heart!).

Following Mark, we had Wellington Chapter’s NSANZ veteran John Faisandier, who shared his journey into professional speaking, and the great benefits NSANZ had in store for him, just from being a member which gave guests a fantastic insight into an association, some of them, had never heard of before!

And wrapping up the evening, we had the lively Billy Graham. As said in one of the feedback forms: “It’s been said before ‘He’s in a league of his own’” and it was absolutely true. Billy is one of those people who are truly ‘On Platform, On Purpose and On Fire’ absolutely 500% of their time, and it was an absolute pleasure seeing him in action, but to learn about the entertaining tips to be the best speaker (one of them is actually to always believe you’re an entertainer, no matter what your subject!)

We had a fantastic response and an overwhelming amount of feedback (over and week onwards and I’m still receiving e-mails every day), so with more people excited about the future of the chapter, our next meeting will concentrate on branding. Which we figured will be the perfect starting point for our current and future members in Wellington (I’m sure you’ll tell all your friends in Wellington about this one!), presented by NSANZ member Mike Handcock, called ‘Rock Your Personal Brand’ on the 24th February, and the only way to find more information about it, will be HERE!

See you there!

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